The Ancient Near East in the 12th-10th Centuries BCE. Culture and History - proceedings of the international conference, held at the University of Haifa, 2-5 May, 2010. (AOAT 392)

The Ancient Near East in the 12th-10th Centuries BCE. Culture and History - proceedings of the international conference, held at the University of Haifa, 2-5 May, 2010. (AOAT 392)

Gershon Galil, Ayelet Leṿinzon-Gilboʻa, Aren M Maeir, Dan'el Kahn (Hrsg.)

ISBN: 978-3-86835-066-1

Erscheinungsjahr: 2012

xviii + 647 pp.: illustrations, maps

Divine warfare and Yhwh's wars : religious ideologies of war in the ancient Near East and in the Old Testament --
Continuation and change in the 13th --
10th centuries BCE eastern Mediterranean : bronze-working Koiné? --
The Davidic Covenant in 2 Samuel 7 : conditional or unconditional? --
Assyro-Babylonian conflicts in the reign of Aŝŝur-rēŝa-iŝi I : the contribution of administrative documents to history-writing --
David and the Philistines : literature and history --
"Ḫanigalbat" in the early Neo-Assyrian royal inscriptions : a retrospective view --
Between Israel and Philistia : ethnic negotiations in the South during the Iron Age I --
Solomon's Temple : faction or reality? --
The Iron Age city of Khirbet Qeiyafa after four seasons of excavations --
Ideological discordance between the prophets Nathan and Samuel as reflecting the divergence between the book of Samuel's authors --
Geopolitical aspects of the Negev Desert in the 11th --
10th centuries BCE --
Jordan in the Iron I and IIA periods --
The distinctive value of human life in Israel's earliest legal traditions --
Yhwh's exalted house revisited : new comparative light on the Biblical Image of Solomon's Temple --
"A life for a life" and napšāte umalla --
A geo-political and historical perspective of Merneptah's policy in Canaan --
The Kos in the Levant : thoughts on its distribution, function, and spread from the Late Bronze to the Iron Age II --
West Semitic epigraphy and the history of the Levant during the 12th --
10th centuries BCE --
ideology and reality in the book of Judges --
Melid in the Early and Middle Iron Age : archaeology and history --
Insights on the Philistine culture and related issues : an overview of 15 years of work at Tell eṣ-Ṣafi/Gath --
Scripts and their uses in the 12th --
10th centuries BCE --
Nebuchadnezzar I's eastern front --
Šîǎq's army : 2 Chronicles 12:2-3 from an Egyptological perspective --
The Philistines in the North and the Kingdom of Taita --
Archaeological remains of the Northern Sea Peoples along the Sharon and Carmel coasts and the ʻAkko and Jezreel Valleys --
Some "provenanced' Egyptian inscriptions from Jerusalem : a preliminary study of old and new evidence --
Coexistence as guilt : Iron I memories in Judges 1 --
Chariots, spears and wagons : Anatolian and Aegean elements in the Medinet Habu land battle relief --
The Aramean infiltration and diffusion in the Upper Jazira, 1150 --
930 BCE --
Cult in the Iron Age I-IIA in the land of Israel --
The change from Egyptian to Philistine hegemony in South-Western Palestine during the time of Ramesses III or IV.

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